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There are three types of camera tickets in Maryland. There are speed camera tickets which carry a $40.00 fine and issued where a vehicle goes 12 or more miles over the speed limit. There is a red light ticket which has a fine of $75.00. Lastly, a school bus ticket has the steepest fine of $250.00.
All camera tickets do not carry points. They are issued to the owner of the vehicle. Your insurance rates should not be affected. Having said that, you can request a trial and have your day in court. You can be acquitted or the judge in his or her discretion can reduce the fine.
By law, speed camera tickets are issued in a school zone Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. If a ticket is issued outside of these days and hours, it is a defense. However, school does not have to be in session. You can be issued a ticket after school hours (until 8:00 p.m.) and during the summer.
If you receive a ticket in the mail, you can watch a video and look at photographs online. Occasionally, the ticket is issued for the wrong car which is of course a defense. I have seen red light tickets issued on a school holiday where the sign said "No Turn on Red on School Days." You can also go to court and tell the judge you were not the driver, but the judge will want to know the identity of the driver.
If you have received a camera ticket for a school bus, you must still stop even if traveling in the opposite direction unless there is a concrete barrier or grassy median. A turn lane seperating the lanes of travel is not sufficient.
If you get a camera ticket in the mail, evaluate whether it is worth your time to go to court. You should determine whether there are any possible defenses. If there are, request a trial and take your shot.
Attorney at Law
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