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Clients ask me on a regular basis whether a moving violation outside of Maryland will affect their insurance premiums. The answer is "it depends." A serious traffic conviction like a DUI, driving without a license, or hit and run will appear on your Maryland driving record and points will be assessed based upon similar code provisions in Maryland. Thus, an out of state DUI conviction will result in 12 points on your driving record and your insurance rates will be affected.
However, minor traffic violations such as speeding, failure to obey a traffic control device, and negligent driving are treated differently. In these cases, a conviction out of state will appear on your driving record. No points will be assessed. If you have a provisional license, it still counts as a violation of your provisional license and sanctions will apply (driver improvement for a first offense and a suspension for a second or subsequent offense).
Will your insurance rates be affected? In most cases, your insurance rates will not be affected since no points are assessed. It is possible that an insurance company will see the conviction and it could take away a discount or affect what you pay.
There remains a downside to a conviction even for a minor traffic citation. Since it appears on your driving record, a judge will see it if you go to court in the future. It could prevent the judge from giving you the benefit of probation before judgment which avoids the points.
If you get a ticket in another state, speak to a lawyer both in that state and in Maryland. Even if the conviction would not hurt you in Maryland, there could be ramifications in the state where you received the ticket.
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