Attorney at Law
Many people are injured in car accidents and try to tough it out. They get little or no medical treatment because they are busy with work, school, kids, and other responsibilities and obligations. Yet, they have significant pain and discomfort. They have legitimate claims for damages from an accident, but their claims have little or no value because they did not treat for their injuries.
Insurance companies will never consider an injury claim without medical documentation. They will want to see all medical records, bills, lost wage information, and other proof of damages. They will never take a personal injury victim at his or her word.
Insurance companies will look for any excuse to deny or limit a claim. They will look for gaps in treatment. If you wait four months before seeing a doctor, they will deny that it relates to the accident. If you never received physical therapy for a neck or back injury, they will claim it must have been a minor injury or you would have sought out appropriate treatment.
Therefore, if you are injured in an accident, get treatment promptly. It will put you on the road to a recovery and you will get better sooner. It will also document the nature of your injuries.
Attorney at Law
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